Grants & Sponsorships

Grants & Sponsorships

Our commitment to the communities we serve is more than just providing great rates and products. Giving back to the community is a key fundamental to our core values.

Community Sponsorships

In addition to supporting non-profit organizations that foster economic development and social well-being, Charter Oak is also committed to supporting a variety of programs, events, and community groups that may not fall under the 501 (c) (3) categories.

We look forward to partnering with the community to improve the quality of life for its residents, and also provide Charter Oak with the opportunity to meet potential members throughout New London and Windham counties. Therefore, requests for Sponsorship funding should not only benefit your cause, but also provide visibility to our credit union.

For more information about Charter Oak’s Sponsorship Program, please read our “Guidelines & Application Criteria” below.

Sponsorship Guidelines & Application Criteria

  • Name recognition program through the naming of the event or a particular aspect of the event
  • Logo or name inclusion on event/program materials
  • Invitation to presentation program such as ribbon cutting, groundbreaking, official opening, etc.
  • Opportunity to place signage at events, if applicable
  • Media release to promote community awareness of Charter Oak’s contribution
  • Recognition in organization newsletter and on website
  • Recognition in program/event advertising and/or promotions

Requests for funding may be submitted at any time throughout the calendar year. All requests must be accompanied by a completed Community Sponsorship Request Form. Sponsorship brochures detailing information requested in the Request Form could also be accepted.

Important Reminders:

  • Requesting must be submitted at least one month prior to needing funds.
  • We cannot accept applications via fax or email.
  • Applicants may request information about the program by emailing the Community Relations Coordinator at
  • Applicants will be notified in writing of the Community Giving Committee’s decision.

Community Giving Grants Program

Our Community Giving Grants Program is geared specifically to non-profit organizations that foster economic development and social well-being in both New London and Windham counties.

Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed on a quarterly basis.

We’re proud to have recently awarded grants to the following organizations:

  • Always Home, Inc. 
  • Artreach, Inc. 
  • Ct Radio Information System, Inc. 
  • Ct Storytelling Center 
  • Covenant Shelter of New London, Inc. 
  • Covenant to Care for Children, Inc. 
  • Horizons, Inc. 
  • Furniture Bank Southeastern CT, Inc.
  • Rose City Learning Center 
  • Sparks Makerspace 
  • Thames Valley Council for Community Action, Inc. 
  • United Community and Family Services, Inc. 

Please review the "Community Giving Grant Guidelines" below.

Community Giving Grant Guidelines

Grants from Charter Oak’s Community Giving Grants Program provide funding to a variety of non-profit organizations. Priority is given to initiatives supporting the following:

  1. Education/Job Training: Programs or organizations helping people achieve their goals through education, such as adult literacy and job training programs.
  2. Health programs: Programs that provide direct service to the community, such as hospitals, community health programs, prevention programs and intervention services.
  3. Human Services: Projects that enhance and improve the quality of personal life for the residents of communities in our field of membership, such as libraries, municipal programs, social services for families and children, and economic development initiatives.
  4. Housing: Projects or organizations that expand home ownership opportunities and provide access to affordable housing within our communities.
  5. Community Development/Revitalization: Projects or organizations that revitalize areas or develop areas, stimulating the local economy.
  6. Arts: A wide range of cultural events including theater, music, and art programs that broaden the access to cultural activities and enrich the lives of people who live and work in the communities served by our credit union.

When considering Grant requests, we consider the following criteria as well:

  • The number of people to be served.
  • The level of need of the people to be served.
  • The potential impact of the program. Will it generate long-term change?

Organizations must be 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service serving one or more of the communities in New London or Windham counties.

Charter Oak does not make Grants to the following types of applicants:

  • Individuals
  • Fraternal, Political & Religious Groups
  • Organizations that are not open to the general public
  • Organizations with IRS Private Foundation designation
  • Organizations that are not located within the boundaries of New London and Windham counties

Multiple year commitments will be considered, but are limited.

When determining funding recipients, Charter Oak’s Community Giving Committee has reserved the right to request more information from applicants, or to conduct site visits when determining requests. A written final report of the recipient’s program or project will be due six months after the project’s funding notification. Should an organization fail to provide this report, it may not be considered for future funding until one is submitted for the previous project. Charter Oak also reserves the right to publicize names and images of award recipients and may request photos of projects or individuals for this purpose. We encourage Grant recipients to document any beneficial information, not only for publicity purposes, but to supplement your future Grant request applications.

If you have questions regarding whether your request qualifies for funding, please call the Community Relations Coordinator at 860.446.3425 to discuss your project prior to submitting an application.

Grant applications may be submitted at any time throughout the calendar year. Applications will be reviewed quarterly on the schedule that appears below. We can accept only one application per year from any organization.

Grants will be reviewed on the quarterly schedule that appears below.

  • Recipients for funding requests received by January 1st will be announced in March.
  • Recipients for funding requests received by April 1st will be announced in June.
  • Recipients for funding requests received by July 1st will be announced in September.
  • Recipients for funding requests received by October 1st will be announced in December.

In order to consider a Grant request, the following supporting information and documents must be included with the Grant application.

  • A copy of the IRS letter documenting the 501 (c) status of the organization
  • The mission statement of the organization
  • A list of board of directors or trustees, with their affiliations
  • A complete budget for the project
  • The current annual operating budget for the organization

Important Reminders:

  • Requesting must be submitted on or prior to the deadline.
  • We cannot accept applications via fax or email.
  • Applicants may request information about the program by emailing the Community Relations Coordinator at
  • Applicants will be notified in writing of the Community Giving Committee’s decision.

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